Indoors voice, always

By beavis - 23/05/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, my brother and I were standing at the baggage claim, waiting for our luggage to come out. We were commenting on all the bags that appeared, and when two large hiking packs came out I exclaimed "What kind of cunts go backpacking in New York?" The old couple standing next to us, apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 615
You deserved it 87 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure there's more to New York than just the city part....

Ummmm yeah New York does have mountains in the northern part. Most of New York actually has amazing hiking spots so YDI for being so stupid!


Who are you to decide what people do with their vacation time?

simplewhimsy 0

You do realize that New York is more than just a city, correct? Wow, lrn2geography.

I love how people make themselves look so stupid when they want consolation for their life being fxcked but it really isn't.

imtoast 0

the adirondack park, one of the largest state parks in the US is in new york. also the appalachian trail goes through new york, and furthermore I go backpacking in new york. and i live there. learn your geography. people like you make me angry.

average american ******* stupid ignorant ape do your knuckels hurt form dragging them around all the time?

babelini 12

bloody ignorant. YDI for thinking u're so good. some ppl just bring their stuff in hiking packs eventho they might not go hiking. it is easier to carry on.

haha, wow, you must be an idiotic city person who thinks theres nothing beyond the city limits...they're called the Adirondack Mountains fool...not to mention all the state parks...

bbobe900000 0


what a total idiot. They might have just been starting their ******* trip in NY. I backpacked across america starting in new york, my backpack came out on the baggage at jfk... I'm evidently a c*nt then?

YDI, but that IS rather peculiar to go back packing in NY.