
By mvgirl - 22/10/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, while sitting with my son, an ice cream cone landed on my head from out of nowhere. I look up to see three children on the balcony above us yelling, "Look! We hit the fat lady!" They ran away laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 075
You deserved it 5 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, that's so awful! The things kids do these days... Wasting good ice cream. It's unbelievable.

How old would you say they were? Just curious.


I_piss_red_bull 0

These FML Clichés are getting more frequent, No? Oh yeah and FHL for seeing your fatass :)

allihall127 0

So that makes it okay that these kids are extremely rude and disrespectful? There is never an excuse for that. Parents need to start teaching their kids and not just spoiling them rotten and letting them get away with anything.

Okay I'm 12 years old. Firstly I think the way all you arrogant people say 'kids these days' and bullcrap like that is judgemental and incourages the stereo-type about kids nowadays being immature and not being as smart as adults that the average American population of minors had set. Secondly those kids are stupid, immature and deserve to have an Icecream into their face because it is not only idiotic and immature to throw an icecream cone onto someones head but it is extremely rude and disrespectful to then shout such a offensive and degenerative comment to the victim of the icecream. I also find it painfully distressing that our society has lowered it's standards to such lowlife, critical arsewholes that criticise this poor woman just because she is overweight. I find it sad that the respect people have toward an individual instantly just because they are overweight. People often cannot help having diabetes or a low metabolism. One of my friends is overweight but eats one of the healthiest diets I have seen and eats low quantities of food too. But anyway, FYL.

allihall127 0

You're right, #70, that not all kids are like this and it's not okay to stereotype them and lump them all into one group. But what I think people mean is that, back in the old days, all kids were taught manners and were taught to treat people with respect. But today, some kids are never taught right from wrong and therefore treat people in such a disgusting way and it's all the parents' fault really, not the kids, because usually they don't know any better.

Any child above 10 should know better, allihall127.

allihall127 0

FYL. Some parents just never teach their kids respect. I'm sorry.

EveryDayJackAss 0

well then, since your life is ******, just go shoot yourse- oh wait...the bullet would just bounce off of you...never mind

I know what you mean about many kids not being taught to respect others nowadays, but sometimes people should just stop and think about what they are doing or saying. My parents never forcefully reprimanded me or anything, they just taught me manners like any good parents would, I learn't to respect people in my own time, maybe I've been rude to a few people but being as idiotic and disruptive as this is plain stupidity. Surely a parent doesn't need to teach a kid not to drop ice cream cones on peoples head? I'm not trying to stereo-type kids into being like this but sometimes you just see people being plain stupid and immature all over the place, at school, on YouTube, there are so many dumb people.

chocokitty57 0

take a hint. little kids are brutally honest.