
By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 00:06 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's mother for the first time and hoped to make a good first impression. When I tried to say 'Hello', a loud rippling burp came up from my throat, and not only that. A small chunk of mucus flew out and landed on the floor between us. So much for a good first impression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 009
You deserved it 5 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HAHA ! sad... and gross! haha... but nvm =))

A simple Aloha would have been sufficient...

SeximusPrime 0

You're too disgusting for him. How can you not feel a burp coming?

Don't feel bad, the first time I met my ex-boyfriends mother, I was having sex with her son. We never did get along.

thats gross i hate girls that burp fart etc. and im not girly myself, i just feel like you shouldn't do it or keep it to yourself ydi

BrownSugar_fml 5

Everyone burps and farts.... I'd never had mucus come out because of either. Are you sick?? That's gross and I'm so sorry.

auggh.. I just read this story and threw up everywhere.. DAMN YOU!!