By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, our school started an anti-bullying policy, and we watched a video about bullying. After the video, I told a teacher about a bullying case going on that I know about. His response? "Tell someone who cares!" as he walked away, chuckling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 919
You deserved it 4 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

He probably saw Bad Teacher, which raised his douchness to over 9000.


Go see the Principal and tell him what happened.

mom2pen 4

Report it, that is unacceptable.

Thing about anti-bullying policies is that they don't work. Either teachers don't put much effort into them, or the bullies get punished, they stop for a while, and then they start again with new, worse tactics. All you can do is wait til you leave school, hope the bullies grow up, and that not too much psychological damage is done. Yeah, I'm somewhat cynical on this issue.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Well the brightside is the schools notice this problem and are really trying to do something about it. I honestly feel sorry for all those poor kids who have gone through so much and don't even feel like they have anyone to go to.

Seeing as some of the time when questioned on what happened the teachers made me feel as though it was my fault I got severely bullied, I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. I once reported some girls for repeatedly stealing my stuff, because they were mean to me in other situations, and because they always found it after a few weeks in the weirdest of places (the air conditioning vents placed at the top of the wall - yes, PE bags just 'migrate' there and its a place where people look on a regular basis). They tried to tell me off for snitching on the nice girls who always found my stuff, until I explained my reasoning.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

That's horrible. As another person I have been bullied also, in elementary school. Physical abuse. Verbal abuse. To bullies it doesn't matter as long as it hurts. Despite the careless teachers the school WANTS to help out. But in the end.. Either the bullied kid will speak up, or hopefully another kid will. Because it's never impossible for things to get out of control.

Iknoweverything 29

The reason these policies don't work is that they aren't really defined. Schools have anti-bullying policies in order to show the world that they don't tolerate it. Yet the policies are basically nothing but a statement that says "zero tolerance" or something stupid. As long as policies are undefined, schools don't really have to act on them, but still get credit for having one. I don't think it's being cynical, I think it's being a realist.

I was threatened with expulsion for telling someone I didn't like her, she was clingy and annoying, but apparently she had a disability so that was bullying. A friend of mine however, who is gay had an apple thrown at his head, and the kid that did it got an in school suspension, where he sat on the computer playing games and his friends could visit. Sadly it's all about status.

I wouldn't count on them growing up. I was a sophomore last year, and these kids who were sitting behind me in Health were throwing gum wrappers at me and sticking pencils in my hair like a bunch of 3rd graders, because I kept to myself in that class. I cussed them out, they got in trouble, and I got away with it. It was worth it. They were immature pieces of shit.

I was also bullied in middle school, and these kids ignore me now, but they're still immature, and I'm in 11th grade. I wouldn't count on these kids growing up, because some of them never do. Hell, I was immature in 2nd grade like we all are, but compared to these kids now, I probably had more sense when I was a 2nd grader than they do now. These kids are so immature, they need to go back to Pre-K learning respect.

Key his car: ''You've been bullied, B*tch''. See how he feels about it after (^_^), dont get caught!

no, do get caught, when he tells u to pay for repairs, say have someone who cares

Respond, "do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Or are you too ugly she doesn't even kiss you?"

You definitely need to report him to the principle/dean! As part of his job, he HAS to do something about that. He could probably get suspended from teaching or may even lose his job.. What a jackass..

erongetti 2

I was a teacher for awhile & this infuriates me!!! Report him. The only way to get rid of a bad teacher is with several reports. I'm sorry this happened to you, and there are people who care, just ignore this asshole!