By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, our school started an anti-bullying policy, and we watched a video about bullying. After the video, I told a teacher about a bullying case going on that I know about. His response? "Tell someone who cares!" as he walked away, chuckling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 919
You deserved it 4 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

He probably saw Bad Teacher, which raised his douchness to over 9000.


ash1rose 11

Exactly why bullying continues to run rampant :(

samspam 5

I work in schools and if ever anyone came up to me about a bullying situation I'd investigate it and stop the people involved

hateevryone 14

get his ass fired. see, that's why you can't tell teachers shit. They don't care. They do it for the money & that's it.

HotPinkk123 0

Lol.! My School Does That to Its boring i see no point in it because i dont think people listen anyways lol

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

I'm sorry, do you have half a brain? That's very pathetic of you. He could be saving a kids life. Especially if there's physical abuse going on, and what makes you think the kid wont go suicidal? So he/she should just suck it up? Not only do you have half a brain, but no ******* heart. I'd hate to know you. Try going through years of bullying and see if you can handle it. You'll be BEGGING someone to tell.

azrial897 0

Go to the principal or another teacher you trust and tell them about the bullying and the other teachers comment. I take bullying very seriously and it's not going to get solved with teachers who won't do something

The jerkass (the teacher) actually has a point. Tell someone who cares and is in a position of authority to do something about both the bullying case and him.