I want Jesus to come inside my heart

By Weirdo - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to church for the first time in my life. They had a Jesus statue at the altar, and I noticed he was surprisingly muscular. Ten minutes later, I had to excuse myself, after I caught myself fantasizing over a crucified Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 933
You deserved it 40 853

Top comments

I would tell you to kneel and pray, but I'm afraid you'd get confused while you're down there.


Serves you right for being in church. Religion is bad for you. Messes up your mind.

LOL WELL THEN that escalated quickly...

bleedingglitter 24

You aren't missing anything. Pray at home if you feel like you need to.

that brings a whole new meaning to WWJD...

May I suggest bondage in your next encounter? (;

I would say you need Jesus but frankly I don't want you anywhere near him