I'm not paid enough for this

By Anonynommer - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Holyoke

Today, at my first day on the job, a customer threatened my life because our vending machine had run out of Doritos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 912
You deserved it 3 480

Top comments

You ran out of nacho cheese right? If so the customer had good reason to freak out. But if it was over cool ranch they need to reconsider their priorities.


llnursingll 10

this is so funny, don't mess with people and their Doritos next time. where do you work at anyway?

Stumphumper 0

#59. Yes the retail world has it's crazies indeed. I've been stuck in retail for twenty years now and i only wish the nacho freak was the worst i've seen

lesson learned...don't EVER run out of Doritos.

That's a little un-necessary :( sorry OP!

people will really do anything for them...

If it was truly a threat on your life and not just embellishment for FML, that is a reportable offense. Your employer should have called the police. I worked a call center and was told they would "kill" me if I didn't reverse a charge. I had to fill out a report, and the sheriffs office in that county in that state was dispatched to have a "talk" with that customer. People need to learn to watch what they say.

What would you do for a Klondike Bar? what? irrelevant? I'll just leave...