I'm not going out there

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - York

Today, a family of geese nested outside my halls of residence. They have started attacking everyone who tries to get in or out of the building. I'm basically being placed under house arrest by birds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 333
You deserved it 4 084

Top comments

\ 28

I would make an Angry Birds joke here, but that's too tired. Set up a pigsty or something.


meganroisin 1

As soon as I read this I thought 'York University'. It's a pretty common problem.

nasaboyinspace 14

*pulls out bibi gun* " ive been saving this in case of emergensies"

What's the issue? Geese are tasty.

get abunch of firecrackers to scare them away for a minute , tear the nest down , burn it , go to walmart get u a couple big fake rubber snakes , green is a good color , hang them from the ceiling or light fixtures or where ever the geese can clearly see them , you won't have any kind of bird nest anywhere near them snakes

Puzzler1998 2

Ever seen "The Birds" (directed by Alfred Hitchcock)?

Quadroblitz 10

Anyone else reminded of that joke in Family Guy where there's a crab in front of the Griffin's house? It was in a brief cut-away.

NineeCat 32

This is where an airsoft gun comes in handy

Get a BB gun and shoot them so it doesn't happen again