i'm doing FINE

By tammy999 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend bumped into me at McDonald's. I was sitting alone at a table with a Big Mac, two large fries, a large drink, and one case of chicken nuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 37 797


Jueezi 0

ouch. that is kinda messed up, but I mean.......why were you eating so much anyway?

050294 0

I have a pretty fast metabolism but even I still don't eat that much. I would've only had the burger, 1 pack of fries, and a drink. I will ignore this, of course, because people are different and can have faster or slower metabolisms than others. Anyways, unless you are very obese, or are assuring yourself that you're fat and not doing anything about it, just don't care what he thinks.

So they caught you working on your jelly rolls, huh? *shrug* Well, at least the McDonald's food won't dump you.

Scrantoncity 0

"whom are insicure about themselves" well I can say is, with an education like that, you probably don't get many guys.

heyarnold69 0

you should of said I'm an emotioal eater cause I still love you and then leave sad. few days later bang her mom. leave only several mcdonalds containers behind with a note. revenge is a dish better served with fries n a shake

If she wants to eat McDonald's let her eat her ******* McDonald's. Damn.

applenutz 0

jesus fatty what kinda shit is that to do?!

wow @ ppl calling her fat. i'm 100 pound female that can eat that much. she doesnt have to be fat to consume that much food. also, you dont know if she hasn't ate all day, done something that makes her hungry etc. the whole reason of this fml is because she LOOKS like a fat ass. not because she IS. these comments are so unrealistic, a bunch of people talking shit through a computer screen & know damn well half of them are overweight and/or ugly.

palasarop 0

if you eat that much then your obviously more than 100 pounds... even if you havent eaten thats an ungodly amount of food to eat.it is in ireland anyway...

Her obviously more than 100 pounds what? Dumbass. I'm 120 pounds and I can easily eat a Big Mac meal and still be hungry a little while later. The Big Mac is mostly bread, anyways. Bread and lettuce. Yeah, I'm 120 pounds. A perfectly reasonable weight for my height. And yet, I eat like a horse because of my fast metabolism. My body processes sugars and whatnot at a fast rate, so I naturally have a hard time gaining weight. I can eat a five-course meal and not worry about fitting into my jeans. So good job, go ahead and call people fat because they eat more than you do. I hope that makes you feel like your life is worth living while you pick your nose, nibble on a celery stick, and wonder if that glass of flavored water will make you "OMG FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT".

ab1484 0

lol wow that had to been very embarassing!!!! now your FML has me hungry for McDonalds!!