By Steiner - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Troy

Today, my relatives won't acknowledge my existence unless I'm posting a picture of my cat. They only talk about the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 816
You deserved it 3 500

Top comments

You must have a really cool cat where's the picture.

I really don't give a shit about your FML, OP, but could you post cat pics?


Somebody's pretty.... grumpy ¿,: PUN PUN PUN

Well once you become a pussy, maybe they'll wanna talk about/to you, too.

Take it as a blessing, really. Sometimes it's hard to get away from demanding, overbearing family members. You now have a reason to lay the guilt ball in their court and proceed freely with your life. Count your blessings...

pwnman 33

Hah! Same thing going on for my sister, but in this case, it's my niece.

Hey OP, nice last name ;) I got the same one

But enough about you, tell us about your cat. (Truly though, FYL OP).

Sacrifice the Cat to Satan so he will make your family love you

lilchica22001 22

Maybe your a ghost? You might be using your cat to communicate with the living.

repKyle95 24

I totally understand, it's the same way with my family/friends and my animals. You just gotta accept the fact that animals [and ****] are the rulers of the internet...