I like to move it move it

By sunshinexx - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I announced to my family that I was going to start playing netball with my work colleagues. They all burst into fits of laughter at the thought of me doing physical activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 390
You deserved it 4 503

Top comments

jenniiienyc 5

Become a pro and then laugh at them.

And here come all the "What's netball?" comments. Google is your friend, people. Bing, on the other hands, sucks balls.


challan 19

kick ass, seabass! Don't let them discourage you into becoming active!

46- I totally agree, salt water fishee! Swim and play, and burn calories all day! ;P (So I'm lame with rhymes. Sue me.) ;p

skyeyez9 24

I wish there was a professional adult kickball league. I'd definitely join!

What does kickball have to do with anything?

Sorry OP but YDI for being that out of shape. Unless, of course, you have never been into sports, in that case you still deserve it. Good job for getting out there and trying now though. Good luck and I hope you do really well.

Next time you make drinks or food for them, spike them with laxatives.

57- I wouldn't bother, that proves nothing more than they got under your skin. I say ignore them, stick with it, and let Op's actions speak for itself, regardless of what his/her family says.

I'm sure this has already been said, but I'll say it anyway: get out there, get in shape, and laugh right back.

deepunder 17

My family cheers when i do physical activities and i dont get why. Im not fat, dont eat veggies and dont have anything like high blood pressure.