I like to move it move it

By sunshinexx - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I announced to my family that I was going to start playing netball with my work colleagues. They all burst into fits of laughter at the thought of me doing physical activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 390
You deserved it 4 503

Top comments

jenniiienyc 5

Become a pro and then laugh at them.

And here come all the "What's netball?" comments. Google is your friend, people. Bing, on the other hands, sucks balls.


You sure it's not because netball hardly constitutes a real sport?

If you consider basketball an athletic sport then you should consider net ball an athletic sport.

I consider neither an athletic sport! A game where the entire length of the pitch can be covered in a matter of strides should not be considered athletic

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

55- the only way I could imagine that logic as a valid point would be if the sport in question consisted of scooting across one length of the court on your ass. I don't see why you wouldn't consider running up and down a court for hours at a time athletic though.

Op, you have no reason to feel ashamed for getting into physical activities, and your family has no right to laugh at you for it. It doesn't matter how uncoordinated or out of shape you are, This is how you Change that! Even forgetting the health benefits of exercising, it's a social team sport you're participating in, win or lose, go have some fun with it, Op! :) Cheers!

That happened to me w my family but look who's laughing now :) whatever you do, don't give up!

perdix 29

Tell them the netball you're playing is web-based only, and you won't be breaking a sweat (aka, oozing gravy.)

cheshireau 26

I know the feeling. Ignore the losers.

ash1rose 11
3pi 6

Have fun op! And ignore other ppl, do what makes u happy