Hilariously sexy

By Laceylace - 22/03/2009 20:40 - United States

Today, I wrote my boyfriend a sexy letter designed to arouse him. I described what I wanted us to do to each other in the most erotic way. Later, he came up to me and hugged me, saying it was the funniest thing he ever read and he's glad he's in love with a girl with such a great sense of humor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 210
You deserved it 13 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I say post the letter! Let us decide. lol

"dear boyfriend I want you to ride me like Seabiscuit. Spank me with a "riding crop". I then want to lick it clean." if it was something like that id say the same thing he did lol


cocolynn12 0

lol that sucks. Oh Well. It could've turned out worse I suppose

You have to understand, us guys are usually the ones trying to do something like that, so when a girl does it, we think it's a joke. Sorry for being sexist, but if you told him you were serious, he would've most likely been even happier.

well, i would have played along and made a vow to not ever write another letter like that again.

well, at least he said he loves you :) thats gotta be a plus right?

I_suck_you_suck 0

thats not bad! :) He loves you right? and maybe he thought you were joking and thought maybe you didnt like him as much as he liked you and though you were being mean so he tried to make it as a joke? I dunno, life is weird... xx your bf is sweet

He loves you. So you looked kind of stupid, in the grand scheme of things that's irrelevant.

omg you were serious in that letter?! sweety im so sorry, i just thought that when you said you wanted to rub my nipples with lime juice that you must have been joking. :P