Highly unprofessional

By djangle - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my marriage counselor told me I have the communication skills of a Lou Gehrig's patient. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 505
You deserved it 17 419

Top comments

I don't think the counsellor know what that disease is all about. my uncle just died of it about 2 years ago...and it has absolutely nothing to do with communication. it has to do with deteriorating muscles. they deteriorate until you have no strength left, not even enough for your heart to pump. so don't take it too seriously, your counsellor is a dumb ass!

Jerzyginger74 0

That is so wrong on so many levels, but at least he/ she didn't say you have the sexual prowess of a quadriplegic.


Reminds me of the time me and harrelson ford were stuck underground for 3 months, by the end of it his vocabulary had deteriorated to only one phrase "wheres my family", hence why all he says in his new films.

knibbsy 4

"harrelson ford"....wow. I laughed pretty hard at that. Is that the predecessor to the Model T? Maybe some secret prototype? I think I'll go to a Ford dealer tomorrow and inquire about their harrelson model.

actually not many people know harrison ford real name is harrelson he changed it to harrison because as you have mentioned he didn't want to be named after a car....(god damn I hate iPhone auto correct lol)

knibbsy 4

I just typed in harrison (I'm on my iPhone currently) and it auto-corrected to Harrison. You silly, silly man.

yes but you see I have a mate called harrelson, which my iPhone now auto corrects pretty much any word with h a e n. but I do appreciate the thoroughness of you attempt at humiliation.

knibbsy 4

There's no e in Harrison! If you type in "hand", will your phone change it to harrelson?

jjames7543 13

That could actually be true. When my iPod changes a word, when I don't want it to, it sometimes changes to a word no where near what I intended. So his iPod could be dumb and annoying enough to do that. :P

lemoncows 2

I was trying to say tic tac and it gave me taco...

zvtqd when I typed that in got scree... go wonder

If YOU had autocorrect on, your two "its" would be proper, full fledged "it's."

33: It's because your an arrogant dumbass.

Do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips

Autocorrect is actually useful most of the time, people just only say something when it does something stupid. Whenever I say xD it corrects to cD and I have no idea why.

tiptoppc 19

Machine learning can sometimes suck. Look at the racist AI microsoft released (Tay) and how quickly it can be tainted with poisoned incoming data. Excuse me, I gotta go unplug skynet before it decides to genocide certain groups of people while waving a swastika flag (not me, skynet)

Currentlyonfire 4

rofl. wow did you get owned. maybe you can communicate better in bed with a ball gag in your mouth.

knibbsy 4

Sure it does. Nothing says "arghbrglsdihfjdr" like speaking with a ball gag in your mouth. The link is clear!

Who said you could only communicate with your mouth? Nothing says "I trust you, baby" like an exposed, defenseless rump.

knibbsy 4

I didn't say that! I understand that hips don't lie, so I usually refer to them first.

and you could also write out a message in semen or pee...and god forbid shit.

tiptoppc 19
therevolution 0

maybeeeee get to know someone by txting them first.....unless u don't txt then ur outta luck xD

Well, considering it's her marriage counselor... It may be past the point of getting to know her husband by texting him.

knibbsy 4
22cute 17

you need a counselor who respects you.

Punch your counselor really hard in the nuts.

Jerzyginger74 0

That is so wrong on so many levels, but at least he/ she didn't say you have the sexual prowess of a quadriplegic.

pengiesully 0
alex6946 10

it's not funny, that was rude of the counselor to say that my grandma died of that :( the patients really suffer

FingerMyElmo 0

tell Lou Gehrig I said what's crackin cuz

OmgWtfFmlRofl 0

that's a nice boost for your self esteem.