Hey there!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - San Antonio

Today, I accidentally texted a picture of my cock to my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 619
You deserved it 86 883

Top comments

yourmurderscenex 13

stop sending pictures of your **** to people and you wouldn't be having this issue.


Reminds me of someone I know. Accidentally uploaded his dick pic to Facebook

Oh wow, accidentally sending a dick pic to the wrong person is one thing, but uploading to Facebook? How?

Still a better love story than...well you know...

You should really double check before sending. Hopefully he has a sense of humour though.

laughlots4195 7

i see an ass whooping in your future OP.

happyfingers 15

If I texted a dirty picture to my boyfriend (which I don't anyways... What if he lost his phone or someone was using it when he got the pic? o.o) I'd be wicked paranoid about sending it to the wrong person. Triple check that shit! :P

your dad will never look at you the same. poor man

What a knob. I am sure your dad was cheesed off when he got that, considering the circum... situation. A little foresight in your minds' eye next time might prevent you shafting yourself and making a complete balls up like that again! Best not to risk tainting your name in that manner. Nuts! YDI!

Weiss729 6
catsie_fml 14

How would you confuse the contact dad with someone else is what I want to know.