Help yourself

By danielle1575 - 24/06/2021 04:01 - United States

Today, my older, pill-addicted brother, came over to visit with me. After he left, I realized all my Vicodin was gone. I got my wisdom teeth removed two hours ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 072
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remember that addiction Is a pathological thing. He probably came on purpose, knowing that OP would have strong pain meds in the house since they had had surgery.

if you file a police report, the Dr may be able to replace them. you should have locked them up, not sure what you were expecting. that's exactly why he came over


OP, you allowed a junkie into your home right after he knew that you'd seen a medical professional. Do you also have a habit of allowing wild animals into your home? Do you dive into swimming pools only after you find out the pool's been drained? The only reason he came to visit you was to steal your meds. I feel I had to make that clear since you were oblivious enough to let him in.