
By Anonymous - 04/09/2012 17:26 - Netherlands - Utrecht

Today, at a supermarket entrance, a seemingly drunk old lady said, "Sir?" as I passed by. I just ignored her and walked in. When I walked out with my groceries fifteen minutes later, several people were standing around her, calling for an ambulance. She'd passed out on the ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 402
You deserved it 58 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't see why you wouldn't have just asked what she needed, instead of ignoring her COMPLETELY... :/

Why did you ignore her?! Even as a courtesy you should at least see what's wrong and if she looks bad get help for her!


No worries, she turned out to be drunk later. I already thought so because she was actually drinking beer from a can at 3.15pm when I walked by... And of course I did look at her when she started talking to me, but she had already looked the other way so I just walked on.

FYI not all people who appear drunk are... Some are actually suffering from a seizure or are having some sort of emergency. I learned that in my first aid training. Maybe you should educate yourself instead of being ignorant.

Isa_fml 20

She may have been diabetic. One of my best friends has type 1 diabetes and he actually has a card in his wallet saying something to the effect of "I'm not drunk, I'm diabetic and I need sugar/medical attention" in case he has an emergency while in public. By the way, folks... even disheveled homeless people deserve to be treated like human beings. Being poor or having a mental illness or addiction isn't a moral failing. Thinking you're entitled to treat other people like garbage, however, is. Unless someone's being rude or threatening, I always respond when people address me, even if it's just to say, "I'm sorry, I can't help you." Common courtesy and all that.

Because flat out saying "No" is completely out of the question, right? Even if they're on every corner begging, it's still rude to just ignore them. And not every homeless person is a hippie.

Isa_fml 20

I live in a large city where there are plenty of homeless people. I still have the decency to acknowledge people who speak to me.

Isa_fml 20

I'm talking less about the self-entitled hippies. I can see how your situation would be frustrating, for sure.

Isa_fml 20

Goddamn, that 'decency' crap sounded self-righteous and I apologize; I wrote the post before I read about your hippies. Tried to edit but missed the boat. Just to clarify, I was thinking less of the entitled 'free spirit' types and more about folks who can't keep a job or home for 'legitimate' reasons (for lack of a better word) like illness/disability/addictions/etc. and who can't access the resources they need to get on their feet.

Isa_fml 20

Arson is, like, so subversive man. Lord. I don't understand why people think mindless destruction or unprovoked violence helps a cause. Unless your goal is for nobody to take you seriously ever, and then go to jail. What a douchebag. There was a peaceful Occupy protest in my city, and it was lots of middle-class students with Starbucks and iPads acting like they were entitled to something for some reason but weren't sure what that reason was. I skipped that one, kinda felt like I can contribute more to society by actually doing something. :P That's a real shame about the job situation. In a way I can understand not wanting to go to an agency; I think I'd have a hard time swallowing my pride and asking for help. In fact I know I would. I suppose it might be even harder if you're worried people are going to look down on you or treat you badly because you're homeless or unwell. The job market where I live sucks, but not that badly. I don't know if the economic downturn hit us quite as hard in Canada as it did in the States. I'm glad your husband found a job, that was lucky. And thanks for your polite response! Glad I didn't offend you. :)

Woman gets ignored and passes out. **** OPs life, right?

Nice job, dick! Too busy to help an old lady???

KommanderKush420 5

This is probably the saddest FML I've ever read. I can't imagine not at least turning to look at her, if for no other reason than to make sure she wasn't going to hurt herself or someone else (assuming I thought she was drunk). Even a quick glance might have given you the visual cues you needed to realize that she was in distress, not drunk. I can't say FYL, OP, because it's not your life that is affected here. Sorry you feel guilty, but I hope this changes the way you react to the people around you.

geezy82 6

Dick move man. Hope the lady is ok :/

Holy shit, even if she was drunk, she's still elderly!!! You should be ashamed of yourself

Haha yep! IT'S OLD GREG! I drink baileys from a shoe Mutha Licka!