
By JustCantWin - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called my parents to wish them a happy 28th anniversary. Now my mom's mad at my dad for forgetting, and my dad's mad at me for reminding her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 151
You deserved it 3 895

Top comments

Fortuitous 0

At least you care about your parents; this will serve you well until you have to decide which one has the hotter new girlfriend/boyfriend.

Tora_Chan 0

WTF? that really sucks, OP. I'm sooty. :(


denvan 0

hahaha wow drama for the 3 of you

bug_ladybug 0

Damn why do parents get pist off so easyly??

If it took you to remind her, then she also forgot their anniversary. You're dad's not too bright. Perhaps he needs to work on his arguing skills.

yutsnme 0

something my parents would do LMAO!! sucks huh!!

Sounds like your mum's kind of a hypocrite, seen as how she had to be reminded, too...

obviously your mom forgot too if she needed a phone to be upset

QueenChristy 6

Umm it's not really op's fault all he or she did was get his or her dad mom because either way his or her mom wouldve gotten mad at the father for forgetting