
By I.Want.Food. - 19/01/2014 23:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I was watching Ratatouille. Piece of advice for starving students: never watch it when you've only eaten two apples in two days, or you'll find yourself in the ridiculous position of being jealous of a fucking rat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 859
You deserved it 8 124

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 11/03/2012 23:19 - United States

Today, I watched Gigli. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 314
You deserved it 29 203

Top comments

Askzombie 14

Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great-gusteau

beaverteaser 16

living the whole apple a day ?


Do you not have any free food places over there? Ask a church for help. Hope you get help soon.

Of course there's places/organisations in the UK that supply food to those that NEED it. But I have worked in soup kitchens and I've heard some of the food parcels that people get is either out of date or the receiver has no means of cooking. Get a job OP, you're just stupid if you've got access to internet and watching movies when you could be working and not complaining and feeling jealous of a cartoon rodent.

iluvferrets 13

He is a student, he could get a part time job I suppose depending on his schedule, but he needs internet and a computer of some kind for school.

Merylwen 24

Getting a job, especially one that fits around study time, is easier said than done.

Coeliacchic93 21

the foodbank gives 3 days emergency food when someone is in crisis. this may not be OP's fault. a lot of people can have a crisis, maybe they do have a job but had an unexpected bill. it can and does happen.

TawnyAnarchy 7

The people in this thread OBVIOUSLY missed the part where he said a few weeks. 'Duh!'

rbalboa76 5

Living on an apple a day gives the doctor pay

Check your school's events calendar for events with refreshments. A little feigned interest and discreet snarfing can carry you over. Also, check with managers of campus eateries near closing time for leftovers; takes a bite out of your pride, but fills your belly. (And you won't be the first student to do it!) Good luck!

I'm French and I've heard that it was impossible for you to say "Ratatouille", so below the title was written "Rat-a-toe"... Is that true ?!

Nothing wrong with going home and visiting mum for a bit(e).

Not sure where you go to school OP but most schools have programs to help students with food. My son's university has a food bank for students and a student run farmers market (extreme discounts on fresh food) and a bunch of other food programs run by various organizations at the school. You should be able to get more info at your student union. If you're using a dining card you can also make that last longer by taking extra food "to go" for later in the day to cut down on trips to the dining hall and make your punch card last longer - there are tips all over the internet about it.