
By BoringFucker - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend openly mocked me, calling me an idiot for thinking seahorses are real. She insists that they're like unicorns, and only exist in fiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 333
You deserved it 4 840

Top comments

saIty 17

Show her Spongebob and she will believe in seahorses. *Possibly even talking sponges, starfishes, crabs, squids, and even whales.. Results may vary*

thinkPlNK 0

unicorns exist. you just have to stick a cone in the center of a horses' head. :D


Best fml I've ever heard lmao! It's actually believable

Well Sir, I really hope that the pros outweigh the cons with this one. It's apparent that she's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier,I had hoped her big heart would be the saving grace, but since she mocked you over her stupidity, I suppose that's out. FYL for finding out how dumb she is, YDI if you stay with her.

Your girlfriend is a dumb bitch for not believe in seahorses. You need a better girlfriend because yours is completely broken.

I really wish girls would stop being so stupid. And I'M a girl. It's really embarrassing

I hope that your not planning a long-term relationship with this girl/woman. Take her to the local aquarium or Google it.

ilove80smetal 8

Ok so here's what you do. Don't date dumbasses. And don't date blondes... But most important, don't date blonde dumbasses lol. (I don't discriminate, I'll date anybody who isn't a asshole).

Really? Don't date blondes? That is extremely stereotypical of you to think ALL blondes are stupid and it's also pretty ignorant. I'm a natural blonde and I'm very intelligent. I've been a part of very prestigious honor societies and top 10% of my class.

ilove80smetal 8

Prestigious honor societies eh? Who are you mother Theresa? And I'm 16 years old working on my PhD for theoretical physics buddy so calm yourself if you think being top 10% is an accomplishment. I am the top student. I dont think it's arrogant at all... Stereotypical to the extreme but hey I'm not taking any if it to heart. I'm on this site to get a laugh and to post stupidness that some of it I do and some of it I don't believe is true. I didn't mean to offend... And FYI I didn't call blondes stupid. I simply said don't date dumbasses. Dont date blondes (nothing about stupid yet), and don't date blonde dumbasses (there we go, SOME blonded are idiots... Did I say all? No) have a nice day

isofia85 0

Why don't you just show her a picture? Or a video? Or take her to an aquarium?

SobrietyKills 14

Shun the nonbeliever. Shuuun.

owlsgohoot 0

Wow, really? She must be really oblivious!