Great prank guys, love it

By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 00:12 - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, after working like a caffeine-fuelled thunderstorm for 9 hours straight on an art project, my 2 friends informed me that it was due next week. I slept for 10 hours, and then went to my class without my project, thinking I lucked out in the long run. Clearly not, as it was due today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 185
You deserved it 4 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Considering the fact that your friends never double checked to see when the project was really due, I think you should consider if they are really worth calling "friends."

Trust your gut next time, OP. I hope that you were able to submit it nonetheless


Did your friends (who told you the project was due next week) also not bring it in? If that is the case, then the situation quite unfortunate for you all, and at least one of you should invest in a daily planner or calendar. If on the other hand these "friends" had their projects with them, then you should definitely invest in new friends ... and also a daily planner or calendar so you don't have to rely on "friends"!

Talis99 26

I'm putting YDI, really. You should have known when it was due yourself or checked and it sounds like you waited until the last minute anyway.

catanita 18

WOW!!! How long did you slept?

You said friends, but I think you meant fiends

This sucks op, but ydi. You shouldn't have to rely on your friends to tell you when your own projects are due. You really need to remember these dates on your own.

I know how you feel. I once made a diarrhea of the Colosseum in Rome, only to learn later that it was supposed to be a diorama. I still don't think I deserved such a shitty grade, I worked hard on that project!

I'll ask you nicely so please, Get out :)

It's your responsibility to know when your assignments are due. You have no one to blame but yourself.

NEVER trust information of that sort flat-out, always reconfirm

People that lie to you are not your friends.