Good girl

By bianca131 - 10/11/2015 03:42 - Australia

Today, I was having sex with someone I've been casually seeing. He got all weird during it, and said, "That's a good girl". Once he left, I told my housemates about it. Now every time I do something nice for them, they respond, "That's a good girl". FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 977
You deserved it 8 203

Same thing different taste


Hundreds of thousands, likely millions, of people have had casual sex at some point in their lives.

FYL and YDI for telling them about it. That's like asking for being teased about it from a sister/brother. So if it isn't your thing, no biggie. This is a common fetish.

next week its "who's your daddy!" yeah..thats a good girl! Thanks for sharing this!

Time to stop being nice to them until they stop

51- Lots of people actually. Not everyone has to enjoy sex in the same way that you do. And, like the other comments have pointed out, we don't know how long OP has known him. They could have been 'casually seeing' each other for a long time.

Lol this is just funny and shouldn't be called an FML.