Go vegan!

By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 20:00

Today, my sister is furious with me and said i will never see my nieces again. Last weekend, while I babysat for her, I taught them the meaning of veganism and animal rights, even showing them a few videos about the meat and dairy industry, and how the animals are kept and treated. Now she won’t speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 150
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

[shows literal children shock value propaganda] why won't she let me indoctrinate them more???

they're not your kids you don't get to pick what to teach them


These were children young enough that they needed babysitting. First and foremost, these matters should be left to their parents, and you went around them to do this. YDI for that alone. Then we go to the age-appropriateness of this. Videos on animal treatment in slaughter houses from most pro-vegan sites, in addition to being often inaccurate or often decades out of date, are also just plain not age-appropriate for children and can be as traumatizing as any body-horror; I wouldn't show them documentaries of even life-saving surgeries for the same reason. YDI it again for that one. Your sister is right to go no-contact with you until you get it through your head what your role is regarding raising her children. For the record, the answer to that is "I don't have a role in raising other people's children."