Go vegan!

By Anonymous - 30/09/2023 20:00

Today, my sister is furious with me and said i will never see my nieces again. Last weekend, while I babysat for her, I taught them the meaning of veganism and animal rights, even showing them a few videos about the meat and dairy industry, and how the animals are kept and treated. Now she won’t speak to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 150
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

[shows literal children shock value propaganda] why won't she let me indoctrinate them more???

they're not your kids you don't get to pick what to teach them


If you really cannot fathom why what you did was extremely inappropriate, you deserve to get slapped with a restraining order, if not outright charged for child abuse if they're very young and emotionally scarred for life.

Doom_Kitty 12

Isn't it morbide that we adults know exactly that showing children how we treat feeling and thinking beings could scar them for life? Being angry about the symptoms and not the cause of the problem may also not work here as it isn't anywhere else. And no, i'm not vegan.

@Doom_Kitty - There a right way and a wrong way to explain veganism and maltreatment of animals to children. OP chose the wrong way.

These videos are often doctored. The truthfulness of them is disputed. But now your sister has kids that won't eat meat -- whereas meat is what they need to grow as a source of protein. YDI.

You realize you abused those kids right? Showing graphic videos to minors especially young children is child abuse straight up.

They may end up having nightmares or just be scared in general. Also you're not showing them how the world really works. The fact is that humans all over the planet eat meat regularly. Humans eating meat is far more humane, far nicer, far better on the animals than other animals eating meat. If you're wanting to decrease the suffering you should know that a hyena will literally eat an animal alive. I've seen some horrid stuff and nature is far worse. Of course hyenas need to eat meat but humans are omnivores not herbivores. I'm not even sure that there's such a thing as an herbivore. I've seen videos of deer and cow eating baby chicks that fall from nests. I looked into it a bit more and it turns out that deer are probably eating the baby chicks while they're still in their nests. The more I look around the more it seems like animals are only herbivores because their teeth are shaped that way but in reality they eat anything that they can get into their mouth. I understand that you want animals to be treated a certain way the problem is you and your comrades treat other people so poorly that most people don't want to go on to your side even if they agree with your ethics.

What is wrong with you vegans?!!! No one cares!

soundsfakebutok 9

As a fellow Vegan..... go **** yourself. Do you realise how much stick I have to put up with cause of idiots like you? STOP trying to use the alarmist bs propogana from facebook groups to push veganism, do you have any idea how much habitat is destroyed to grow all the crap we eat? Veganism isnt bloodless its just as harmful, your precious Avacados are the freaking worst enviromentally speaking, do you know how many species are wiped out by farming vegitables and fruit? So how about you get off your shitty high horse cause frankly I am sick of the dellude vegans acting like their diet is better than others, you are just as harmful to animals and the enviorment and news flash ass hat plants scream when cut, we just cant hear it but its been recorded.

she's cutting you off as she absolutely should. they are not your children, that was not your place, you probably picked the worst videos you could for shock value and traumatized them. stop shoving your bullshit down other people's throats. you do not get to make decisions for other people. you wouldn't see or speak to my children ever again either. you people are psycho. this was so highly inappropriate

boilerdude 4

You're an idiot and you deserve this 100%

Were you forcing this on the kids? Did they ask about it? We kind of need some more information.