Give it back

By aliixmaee - 09/08/2011 14:50 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me. She took everything, including the kidney I gave her a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 027
You deserved it 6 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can remind her that there will always be a piece of you inside her.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

Didn't Janis Joplin sing "Take Another Little Piece of My Heart"?

sparta98 4

This could go either way. If he gave her the kidney and then she thanked him by taking his things when she left, then his life sucks.

MiaLoves 8

Do you expect her to just give you the kidney ? I'm sorry about the loss though.

well maybe you should have married her. hell, after 4 years i would have left too! and dont use the kidney thing as something held over her head. jerk.

kwt2007 2

you can't expect someone to stay with you forever because you gave them a kidney. You made the choice to donate which was a noble thing to do, but that shouldn't tie her to a life of loneliness. that being said that does suck, FYL.

Giving her your kidney doesn't make her your personal property. She still has every right to leave you if she isn't satisfied with the relationship.

Dude, that sucks, but what was she supposed to do? give it back?

Maybe she thought the donor was anonymous.