Girl boss

By dating walter white's gf apparently - 06/04/2013 19:13 - United Kingdom

Today, while going down on my girlfriend, I finally managed to give her an orgasm. During that orgasm, she tore out a clump of my hair, causing me to scream in pain. She scowled and said, "Ah shut it, ya little bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 092
You deserved it 13 413

Same thing different taste


Most of been one hell of an intense ****** for her to pull out a CLUMP of hair. But yeah, SHE is the bitch.

perdix 29

If it was during 69, YDI for not shaving your junk. :D

Only guys who have confidence issues with their size shave it off, to try an seem bigger.

Llamacod 11

Way to generalize your concerns and try to apply to everyone.

i'm sure everybody thinks of that when shaving their ****, i mean when guys are alone there totally thinking about what size they are. is that what they told you to make you feel better? only guys with over inflated egos post comments like this. on another guys comment, that everybody likes, let's see sounds like some attention issues too.

my comment is to number 94, not 65, too be clear.

Joey_Fingers 4

Thinly veiled bragging at it's best

Next time pull off one of her nipples.

tj5810 21

That made me think of a dirty Mrs. Potato head. Lol Maybe I need sleep... I don't know.

You must be really good. Congratulations. Sorry about your bald spot.

Congrats on your technique! I just hope she returned the favour! ;)

Pretty sure you meant "Jesse Pinkman's gf," since he's the one who's always calling people "bitch"

gameover18 17

WOW! Next time wear a god damn hooded rain poncho.