By hottygirl905 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Port Saint Lucie

Today, I found out I have a kidney infection. Now I'm forced to drink at least 4 glasses of water before going to bed. I also have to be woken up every two hours to be told to, "GO PEE BEFORE YOU DIE!" by my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 789
You deserved it 2 341

Top comments

Well, what are you waiting for? GO PEE BEFORE YOU DIE!

Water you waiting for? Pee what I did there? But I'm not just kidneying around.


fuckmebutdontfml 16

if I was woken up like that I'd probably piss myself, but at least I wouldn't die!

Well think of it this way, your mother also needs to wake up every 2 hours to wake you up, so she's only doing it because she cares about you..

RemyX1 7

HAHA your mom is funny not a gentle wake up like honeyits time to get up no its GO PEE BEFORE TO DIE

My wife knows your pain. Her birth control was causing her to have chronic kidney infections.

That sucks, Kidney problems are a pain. Be glad its not a Kidney stone at least, those are said to be one of the most unbearable pains possible.

kileypalmer 0

I feel your pain OP, I was born with kidney problems. Both of my kidneys put together equal one of your working kidney's. Oh and GO PEE!! or it can get worse.

Hey, your mother doesn't sugar coat things. If ya might die for not peeing, she wants you to be alive, probably while freaking you out at the same time for the fun of it. :P Best of luck to ya.