Get it!

By tay - 17/09/2013 15:44 - Canada - Erin

Today, it was my first day closing alone at a pet store when a lady came in wanting to return a bird she bought months ago. Once I informed her there were no returns on livestock, she let the bird free and ran out the door, leaving me to catch it and explain to my manager where it came from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 637
You deserved it 2 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I work at a pet supply store and I thank my lucky stars everyday that we don't sell animals. It's a shitty business.

TheCaramelKing 11

**** her boss understanding. Security cameras.

Clearly her evil boss hired the lady to do this. You know how evil those Canadians are.

I agree the bird's life sucks. Should have called the police on her for dumping an animal.

I feel sad for the OP. Hopefully it wasn't that parrot that ***** all over the walls.

Am I the only one who noticed the typo on "manager"?

Couldn't think of any jokes using their spelling error that wasn't really messed up! F*$@ I need manger anagement... Well corny is better than nothing. Now for the hate comments on how much of an idiot I am :| maybe I should have said anger mangerment

Dude stop hating on Canadians I'm a proud Canadian girl over here