Funny haha

By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 21:02 - United States - Pasadena

Today, my mom called me for dinner by saying, "We're going to eat Steph! I mean we're going to eat COMMA Steph! We're not going to eat you! Ha ha!" She thinks this joke is hilarious and has been doing it to both my dad and me every night since early June. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 226
You deserved it 1 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, one of these days she's just going to say, "We're going to eat Steph!" You'll sigh, relieved that the pun tirade is over. But, your mother, in all her grammar wisdom, knows she didn't finish the joke. You'll walk downstairs and she's actually going to eat you. Enjoy the pun while it lasts, or it could cost you your life.

SteveDudleyUK 10

Rest of family should say upon going to visit the toilet "I'm going to the toilet to s*** mom." Ha, ha, I didn't mean actually s*** mom! I wouldn't be able to force you through my anus. Ha ha". Your mom would give up on her joke very quickly after a day or two of that.


The jokes only funny if your family is a bunch of cannibals

I think it would've been funny the first time, but every night for over a month would be annoying.

Moms are even worse than dads. My mother has been saying "poupoup" instead of "soup" since i was 3 years old. So whenever we eat soup she keeps repeating "ooohh the good poupoup". And she doesn't see why, at age 20, i find it annoying.

middlenamefrank 8

Well hopefully, for your dad's sake, she at least occasionally goes back on her word with him.

What??? You want her to eat him? Or are you making a bad phallic reference?

Middlenamefrank, you're doing it wrong. You're a little bass ackwards there buddy.

JillianJuneBug 39

Oh god and we thought dad jokes were terrible

It's 2016, dammit! Moms have the right to make dad jokes too.

Le_ponderer 14

Let the old gal have her fun while she can. Granted, it is annoying to you but it makes her laugh happily and it doesn't really hurt you. You could just go down when she calls you to eat, hold her in a hug and say faux-sternly, "young lady, you are going to have to come up with some fresh jokes or else YOU will be dinner".

That's why grammar and punctuation is important ;)