
By Anonymous - 17/02/2010 07:39 - United States

Today, it's my 18th birthday. Last month was my best friend's 18th birthday. She spent the night with me, and the next morning, my mom and brother gathered in my room and sang "Happy Birthday" as they handed her pancakes with a candle on top. Today, I was woken up by screams to take the trash out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 638
You deserved it 2 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nooo, it's all part of the surprise! You go to take the trash out, and someone has parked a car amongst the rubbish! But no, you can't accept it when someone does something nice.

KurouTenshi 0

well on my bday I lost my job, got a bday card that informed me my rent was due, and then I only got to eat cold ravioli (which, incidentally, is just as good cold, as it is cooked)


babegirlprecious 12

AWWWWWWW soooo sad! When I was turning 7 my mom 4g my bd. I had to remind her! *she doesn't 4g now though*

MrBoredomioo 18

This is my parents in a nutshell

They seem to be into being the cool parent around their kid's friends.