Free speech

By christacat - 28/09/2016 10:24 - United States - Delaware

Today, I have a speech impediment that's recently become more noticeable. My entire family has decided that the best way to go about handling it is to mock me whenever I try to say something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 086
You deserved it 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful. Maybe you could sit them all down and tell them how you're really struggling with it and they're really not helping you overcome it? Also look into speech therapy. It works wonders and is worth the money. Best of luck OP.

I know you're just trying to find the humor in this, but given the context of the FML, I think this just comes off as rubbing it in.


Idontevenknowwhattoput 4

You need to sit them down and tell them exactly how it makes you feel. Write down your thoughts first. I am SO sorry they are doing that to you. That should NEVER happen to anyone! My brothers were born super early and have a speech impediment, and if anyone ever did that to them, I would definitively punch them, though I'm sure you probably can't do that to your family. If it's hard to speak in front of them, compose an email or text and send it to them, or go to a teacher of guidance counselor you trust and ask them to help you talk to them about it. Also, discuss having speech therapy lessons if you aren't already. I used to have problems pronouncing certain sounds, and after a few years as a child I learned how to change the shapes my mouth made when speaking. And even if you had speech therapy as a child, doing it when your older can help a lot too because you have motivation and will power to fix it! Your speech impediment is not unfixable. It will probably take a few years and hours of practice, but you can over come this! I'm sure of it! As hard as it may be, try not to let what they say get to you, but definitively nip this in the butt. You already have enough struggles worrying about how others see you, you don't need them being dousches. If I could I would come sit them down and give them a piece of my mind for you. Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, message me anytime! Seriously I mean it. I know what it's like and if I can help make it easier for you, I would love that. Hang in there op, it will get better, I promise! <3 Also, remember that your speech impediment is not you, your heart and mind are you! And anyone who truly matters in life will see that.

Do as a friend did, Get a text to speech app, use this to communicate with the family and then go and get help. He hasnt spoken to his family in one year now but he has improved so much that It is a joy to hear him sing and talk now.

That's literally the opposite of what you're supposed to do

Jesus Christ. My son is a stutterer. I couldn't imagine doing something as shitty as that to him. He has speech therapy. Your family members need to reevaluate their lives.