
By Brie - 29/05/2011 18:22 - United States

Today, against my wishes, my family and I went swimming with sharks. While in the shark cage, a shark got within a few feet of us. My cowardly bowels objected and caused me to shit myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 995
You deserved it 11 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, at least then the shark would definantly not want to eat you. you'd taste like shit

Cooking_Boy 0

Oh well. Better than bleeding I suppose. I'm sure the shark was laughing at you inside though. Did it recoil in disgust and give you a cold stare with its eyebrow raised? And yes, I'm fully aware that by taking the time to write this I've abandoned any chance I had at getting the revered 'first post'.


I'm sorry that happened to you- but it sure does make a great story to tell!

AlphaQallnight 0

op is a genius. sharks are attracted to the smell of blood, not shit

Were you in a shark tank or a shart tank?!

MrSexyPants 14

Cowardly poetic!

I like your pants. They're quite sexy.

cayvayay97 0
DrummItUp 0

**** your family dude I would have never agreed to that.

ilovehamburgers 0

omg I love shark diving!! it's so much fun!