Follow the script

By ufhdafuhds - 19/03/2009 23:31 - Egypt

Today, I had sex for the first time with my boyfriend. It was his first time too. While in bed, he blankly stopped and stood up and got out a piece of paper from his pocket. Turns out he'd written instructions on what to do while in bed, and forgot what he had to do next. FML
I agree, your life sucks 139 337
You deserved it 14 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

LOL, that's a first. I wonder what it said.. 1. Finger her. 2. Put on condom 3. Insert penis 4. ???? 5. Profit!

Okay, that's actually pretty sweet. I mean, he was so worried about doing everything just right for you that he didn't want his nerves to get in the way and forget what he was doing. But maybe this means you guys are a little too young to be doing this? At least be safe, use condoms.


TheOrpheus 0

awww. at least he tried. why didn't you do anything to try to help him? Even though he had notes, how was it?

jafar_fml 0

jeeezz.... everyone KNOWS you write in on the inside of your hand so you can put it behind her and read your notes!! and #1 he probably got stuck at the ??? step lol

ant4usc 0

i think this is: #1 funny #2 possible mood killer #3 a few other guys need some notes! cause they think they know what they're doing, but they dont!

i agree with #5 but seriously.... you should be thankful alot of guys just assume they are good in bed and know what to do. atleast he was so nervous about doing it right that took the initiative to take notes

dabean100 0

lmao #1 but really, that's not an FML, it was the first time for both of you. it's actually cute the he did that, no ****

superson_fml 0

....doesn't that boy have any animal instincts at all?

hahaha awhh that's kinda cute. i don't see how this is a fml. he was obviously nervous!

LOL. wtf, how old is he. not to know what to do? #1 is freakin hilarious.