First date going well

By johnfrank - 26/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I was on a blind date with a girl my friend set me up with. We went to a fancy restaurant and she ordered the shrimp. I told her, "I'm allergic to shrimp, so you shouldn't order it in case I want to kiss you later." She looked at the waiter and said, "I'll have the shrimp." FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 064
You deserved it 35 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats a bit forward for a first date, don't you think?

It's the guys fault. "In case I want to kiss you later." Way to come off as a Jerk.


DeeJayD 0

#31: Agreed. The OP doesn't specify how allergic he is and it could be a 'come in to contact with it and die' kind of thing. Even if it isn't like that, it's pretty damned important to say this stuff, just in case. The girl's a bitch and you don't want anything to do with her.

Capybara 0

"You shouldn't order it in case I want to kiss you later." Tbh, I would be so turned off by that. In case you want to kiss her later? What if she didn't want to kiss you later (which she obviously didn't) or didn't believe in kissing on the first date? You made it all about you. The least you could have said was "in case you want to kiss me later", and even then, it still would have been creepy and lame. The guys who commiserate with the OP (like #17 or #31) are probably the type that say these kind of things (which come off as rude to most women), and then, upon inevitable rejection, complain to their friends about how all the girls they seem to meet are bitches. It's so pathetic.

Being arrogant kicked you in the balls.

If you're gonna say something like that at least be cocky and FUNNY. Also, a fancy restaurant on a blind date? Waste of money.

Fergus_Phoenix 0

that's what I was thinking... someones been Reading Dave DA! :p

man thats what u get for trying to be smooth like that on a blind date ha

LOL what'd you do after she said that? Was it really awkward? XD

that was a ridiculously stupid thing to say...

Maybe she thought you were rushing things? It happens.

Or she thought he was being an arrogant ass...just an idea.