Extra chunky

By goodbyediet - 30/01/2015 11:00 - United Kingdom - Accrington

Today, I bought a small tub of coconut pieces in a bid to eat healthier snacks at work. I noticed that the chunks were a bit slimy, but thought nothing of it and kept eating. It wasn't until I reached the final few pieces that I noticed a huge black slug crawling across the bottom of the tub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 724
You deserved it 5 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf i think it being slimy should have told you something was very off


I threw up a little in my mouth when I read this.

"**** this healthy shit, where are my Doritos?"

lol that's too funny eat healthy it's good For you..

I just gagged & nearly threw up in my mouth

I almost gagged a little...Reminds me of the time I was drinking something and realized a spider had drowned in my drink...

I would say YDI for not checking, but srsly though, FYL

Damn OP i hope you don't get sick from that (seriously google it).

I feel your pain OP. Recently I was eating a packet of almonds noting some pieces were extra crunchy. I got to the bottom of the pack and there were two maggots.

don't worry, O.P you can sue under Donohue v Stevenson and claim damages :)