Every home should have one

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out that if I'm not home and my roommates have girls over, my room is the designated "fart room." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 867
You deserved it 4 570

Top comments

At least it's only when you're not home

Shitty deal. When they're gone, their room can become the designated "vomitorium" for your drinking parties!


That stinks OP. Especially, since you aren't there to enjoy all of those girls' ass in your room.

I would think the "fart room" is strictly for the dude room mates. not sure any girl would just be up for farting in someone's room openly lol

Why wouldn't they?? Girls fart also and im sure they would less embarrassed doing it in a room by themselves rather than in front of some guys they may like.

RedPillSucks 31

Are the guys too stupid to realize what the girls are up to when the suddenly bolt off to some other room, followed by the low rumble of thunder. Then they return with a smug, satisfied look on their faces?

I forgot that's what every female does.

Well think about it this way, your room could've been the designated **** room.

Am I the only one who finds these boys really considerate? Most guys I know would let'r rip wherever, regardless if there was a female in the room.

RedPillSucks 31

Shit. I'd rather be treated like the queen of England than be blasted into oblivion by some rancid hell hound skunk-master flash.

Lebeaugars95 20

plot twist: the girls are the ones farting

And what shall you designate their rooms for when they are not home?!

maybe you are a fart. Next time tell your friends to start calling you a "fart" & yes FYL

kinda ****** up but it could be worse

Aero_x 21

Take one for the team, OP!

ZomBgal 12

I think this could've been worse. Your bed, for instance, could've been the "sex bed.".