Epipen time!

By Anonymous - 17/08/2010 17:06 - Canada

Today, my aunt asked me to babysit my cousin. She gave me a warning that he says he's allergic to foods to get out of eating them. When I brought out my homemade cooking, he told me he was allergic, so I made him eat it anyway. Turns out he WAS allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 975
You deserved it 13 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

glompable 19

I think it's dumb that the aunt didn't tell her the foods the kid is allergic to. :/

I feel bad for you because you were just following orders, fyl op


perdix 29

On your babysitter résumé, do you list your hit-man/assassin skills? Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!

When he says he's allergic, feed him the peanut chicken with a side of broccoli.

derkaderk 1

she should have told u the foods he is allergic to. it's not like op's trying to poison her cousin

Maybe the parents were unaware that he was alergic to any food.

This should be an overdue FML from my brother :P Ate anything for years then suddenly had a reaction. Turns out he's allergic to nuts. lol. I've never been tested for reactions but I jaw reactions to types of metal aswell.

jpeezy122808 0

joke is on ur aunt for not telling u huh?!?

that's the second time I've been compared to him. I don't think I look anything like him^^ he's got a slightly skinnier, straighter face I think.

I take that back actually, I found a pic on google that looks creepily close to my picture :P

lol nothing wrong w/ looking like the dude from Kick Ass. He was and is a straight up bad ass.

And also the aunt may have not known. Most people do not have allergic reactions to allergens the first time they come in contact with them. If they do it's mild (generally). If you get stung by a bee for the first time you most likely won't know until you get stung a second time later down the road. Holla at science. You need to fear science, NOT Satan.

FMLContinued 3

It's like the boy who cried wolf. You both deserve it. You should know what he's actually allergic to, and he shouldn't have been playing games with you to get out of eating.

Most posters are allergic to proper sentence structure, good grammar, correct spelling, and coherent thought. I magically knew that just from reading.

FMLContinued 3

Uhm, how about she asks if he actually IS allergic to anything hmm? It's called common sense. Or being a good babysitter? I'm obviously not a troll, you're just an idiot.