Enough with the puns

By fuckmuppet - 27/05/2014 17:04 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, I came down with diarrhea thanks to a particularly low-class restaurant. My dad has been making constant stupid puns like "pretty shitty state you're in" and "this day and age, you just don't expect this crap". I'm at the point where I want to gouge his eyes out with a goddamn spoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 731
You deserved it 7 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was recently on a 2-week Europe tour with my Rotary Exchange District and got food poisoning the first day. Our trip chaperone kept making pregnancy jokes at me the whole time on our way to the doctor's. I know your pain. Also, we practically lived on a bus...

Make a complaint to the restaurant that their food made you sick, hopefully they don't just try to give you a new meal free ending you up in the same situation.


Oh come on, your dad's just doing that for ***** and giggles!

NodakN8V 25

Peter Griffin: *toilet flush* Shit House

Ariana_Grande_fml 8

U got a pretty shitty dad. Where did u eat?

God's last name isn't damn.. You disrespectful douche.

I have a very sensitive digestive system and my friends and family take great joy in insulting or giving me a difficult time about it. Instead of suffering with it, any time I knew I'd have a horrendous odor coming on, I'd pause by their chair until the last possible moment - then. let it explode before running to the bathroom to do my business. Enough times of making everyone lose their appetite and they finally got the hint.

Or stab him in the eye with a butter knife

Divergent reference - sorry if you don't get it

Common everyones like " ohhh fml my loved ones are making fun of me" i mean really its just a joke, least your family has a sense of humor.

cheshireau 26

Dad's are terrible! I had to borrow money for tablets to stop Gastro once. Come pay day, asked for the money for my 'shit tablets' in the middle of the shops. You just shake your head at them.

Tell your dad to stop giving you so much, "crap." Get it, anyone