
By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 02:53 - Canada

Today, was my wedding day and I had been preparing my speech for my husband for about 3 months. At the wedding, I poured my heart out to him. Did he do the same? My husband forgot about it and right before the wedding, took his from his first marriage and changed the name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 070
You deserved it 4 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The only way you'd know that is by being at his previous wedding, and not so long ago for you to still remember it. Which is creepy. Sounds like you were the bridesmaid, and then slept with him, which ruined his first marriage. Good luck on keeping him faithful to you.

gqduck 0

By speech do you mean your vows? Or do you mean a separate speech? If so, that's really stupid. Who gives a speech at their wedding? Obviously, your husband having been married once before, had more insight than you into the fact that weddings are just a big show, not really important, and absolutely no indicator of how well the marriage will go. FYL for making a stupid ceremony more important than your relationship.

Look on the bright side - at least his speech wasn't "[Your name here], when I was trying to think of all the things I love about you to say in my speech, I realized something... there was nothing to think of. I don't love you, and I can't believe you convinced me to go along with this whole crazy marriage thing. Goodbye, and better luck next time." Also, grow up. These things happen. YDI for not reminding him earlier.

Ouch. Sorry OP for all the little teenies who don't know what marriage is writing this off.

i would be pissed. but some guys are like that, even if they mean the best. i mean, atleast he tried to fix it, he didn't just say "i do." shit happens

If you're close enough to him to marry him, you should be close enough to enjoy the humour of his situation... After a few moments of disappointment, I'd be the first one laughing about it!

Women: Care about sentimental crap like a speech detailing how you love the person. Men: Don't care about sentimental crap, and really aren't interested in it. Do you like football? No. Do men like Sex and the City? No. I think you need to realize that he isn't a woman, and as such doesn't follow your ideology towards things.

lem0n_fml 0

I'm a girl, I like football and not Sex and the City. :

Ligerie 0

Yeah, no. Not many of my friends, male or female did/will write their own vows. I didn't. OP just wanted to show off and give her guest that came for the free food and open bar something to awe at.

AhISnappedIt 0

oh snap all this time i thought you were some guy haha talk about a keeper

Me too, #49. I get that men don't like sentimental stuff. Most of it is stupid... but it was the guy's ******* wedding. I can understand forgetting even, but the fact that he used something he wrote for someone else just makes it seem completely insincere.

I'm a girl and I don't like Sex and the City OR football. Actually, I like to play flag football but I suck at it. AWRIGHT FOR HEALTH PROBLEMS! As for sentimental stuff... Sometimes I'm corny as hell, but I do recognize when I am. I've never heard of people giving speeches at their own weddings though. I thought it was always the guests who said a few words? Either way the husband sounds unreasonably insensitive if he thinks he can get away with reusing a speech from a /previous wedding/. It's one thing to forget, it's quite another to just gently rewrite something made for someone else to fit.

oh well its not a sign or anything of how the marriage is going to go or anything...