
By Coykoi - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, not only did my boyfriend set my hair on fire, but he attempted to put it out by dumping bong water on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 915
You deserved it 10 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he tried to put it out, but your boyfriend sounds like an idiot.


DCvRkey2012 7

"The hair was drenched by the allure of bong water, battling the flames as they steadily grew higher" I hope someone gets this reference. lol Johnny cash ftw

..well, on the bright side ur not completely bald! (I hope not)

He probably lit it on fire, because he was high as f*ck

perdix 29

Did he at least let the water out of the bong before using it to put out the fire?

I don't think she willingly allowed her hair to be lit on fire or have bong water poured over it.

RedCamaro10 0

I do believe that would justify branding him with "Ex" status.

nofearjenshere 12

For trying to put out the fire on her head? Seems like he was being a good boyfriend.

42, OP's boyfriend put out the fire after HE set her hair on fire. I don't think a good boyfriend would put a flame near your head.

157 - there are these things called "accidents"...

Well 179 if it was an accident I don't believe this would be on FML.....

He was just trying to get high off your burning hair.

hahauRrcool 0

Yoouuu can't get high off burning hair.

That sounds like something Jake (two and a half men) would do...

When your hair is on fire - any water that puts the fire out is good.

aznbiznitch666 4

even bong water? that litterally smells like sh*t..

HairyPunisher 27

I'd like to know more about what led to your hair being lit on fire.

sportcrazychick4 7

She couldn't light the bong so he was doing it for her and then her hair got in the way...

What were the two of you doing in the first place? Fire and bong = setup for trouble.

Really? Then why do you use fire (ex. a lighter) to light the bowl of weed? Strange...

Fire + bong + high as a kite = problems.

54 - You completely missed the point.

You're doing it wrong, mate... What you MEANT was: fire+bong+high as a kite=epic night. No need to thank me.