Don't call me Shirley

By Anonymous - 10/05/2012 13:09 - Sweden - Solna

Today, I was on an airplane, waiting to go to the bathroom. After a few minutes, the man behind me asked what I was waiting for, and checked the bathroom. It was empty, and there was a big line behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 629
You deserved it 28 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should knock to make sure no one is inside.


b0ngs 7

What is this tublulence you speak of? A brand of margrine perhaps?

I'm going to wing it and guess that the "occupied" sign was probably in plane sight, or maybe you were just feeling flight, but it probably just dropped off your radar. Anyway, I hope you aired out the restroom and checked your fly when you were done.

Hahahaha! Dude that comment was so great, I had to let you know just how great. A simple thumb wouldn't do!

fernclogger 5

You should've said "I thought I needed to go so that's why.. But since I don't I think ill go take my seat"

CaramelMacchiato 13

Then they'll think OP is stupid for contemplating whether he should use the bathroom or not for like five minutes.

ONExLOVE_fml 4
SupaHotFire 4

Lol why not just check the little thing to see if it's occupied or not?

"Close the damn door! I'm doin' my business!" ---Casper

3rdbass 9

That sounds more like Stinky or Stretch. Casper wouldn't say that.

At least no one was actually in there; this story would have been very different had that been the case...

tony1891 22

did you have a blonde moment?

I'm blond and I take offense to that. :P

I feel like you didn't even attempt to check if anyone was in there hahaha lesson learned