Don't call me Shirley

By Anonymous - 10/05/2012 13:09 - Sweden - Solna

Today, I was on an airplane, waiting to go to the bathroom. After a few minutes, the man behind me asked what I was waiting for, and checked the bathroom. It was empty, and there was a big line behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 629
You deserved it 28 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you should knock to make sure no one is inside.


I am confused as to how this could happen.lets ignore the obvious checking the sign bit for now and focus on another issue. Did you notice any other person entering the toilet before you? Were you not curious as to why no one came out during your wait time? I'm sorry but you 100% deserve it lol. Btw,those toilets scare the crap out of me! The noise they make,hate it!

mrlopez 13

Well, it sucks. Both ways, if you know what I mean.

jayisacooter 1

You are most definitely a RETARD!!!!!

Fortius 6

This is just so funny! :)))

You'd think there'd be one of this 'Occupied' & 'Not Occupied' locks like on port-a-potties. It would make things easier. Knocking works too.

Been there done that. Eventually you grow enough balls to barge in on every door

That's why I go in the airport, don't drink much before or during and then if I need to, go in the airport again :p I wanna fly planes for a living but I am never going near the toilets, just like coach and train toilets. Oh and toilets on boats and portaloos and... Pretty much toilets that aren't on sturdy ground and won't take away the waste. Sheesh I'm so picky about toilets..

I'm suprised he waited a whole two minutes

kitsune3 20

Next time maybe pay attention.

Shouldn't there be a type of lock on the door that tells you whether a bathroom is occupied or not?