Do you remember the first time?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend and we were talking about childhood memories. He told me about a girl he used to make fun of in middle school. That was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 355
You deserved it 4 133

Top comments


blacksswan 10

The awkward moment when your boyfriend finds out he is banging the chick he made fun of..... Eh that was lame Past is past, don't hold it against him. People change. I think it's cute you two ended up together. Love is funny sometime.

blacksswan 10

That's super cute! Wish you both many more years together and possibly a lifetime together as well.

It doesn't seem to bother you considering you're dating him.

FYLDeep 25

Get over it. If you had a problem with how he had made fun of you, then why'd you become his girlfriend in the first place?

YOU'RE his childhood memory. Embrace it.

Nolnah 14

I get it now. your only dating him because your going to get your revenge! you have built up hate towards him! sneaky sneaky...

Haha I love how u say "sneaky sneaky" lol

CoCountryBoy 1

they say the reason that people make fun of others is cause they secretly like them.

Awww, that's kind of sweet. Now it's your turn to torture him!

Yea hold out on the sex lol that'll teach him!