
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I went on my first date in months. My mum had invited friends over, and when I told them I was going out on a date, my mum said "No you're not, don't lie. Who would go out with you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 718
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zebrapattern 6

be like "Neither are you, which is why you're sitting around the house with a bunch of old hags."

skyeyez9 24

Why are some parents so cruel to their children? Damn. Even if a parent has an ugly child, they should never admit to it! People don't choose how they look when born. You're limited in your appearance even if you have money for plastic surgery. It can only do so much.


djmigues 7

#21, there's a reply button, just for future use.

skyeyez9 24

Why are some parents so cruel to their children? Damn. Even if a parent has an ugly child, they should never admit to it! People don't choose how they look when born. You're limited in your appearance even if you have money for plastic surgery. It can only do so much.

wwerulez14 6

Sadly, some think it "builds character". It actually builds low self-esteem but then again, some people just shouldn't be parents anyway.

Hopefully she was just joking! If not, your mother should keep her nasty comments to herself. Congrats on having a date! :)

wwerulez14 6

Agreed. As I scrolled down I saw a lot of people saying things like, "Oh I'm sure she was just joking...". Honestly, telling your daughter that nobody would want to date her, is not something to joke about. That's actually a terribly cruel thing to say, and personally, I would have kicked her in the twat on my way out the door.

IrishSoulja 4

bitch just wants to look big in front of her friends

skyeyez9 24

Home should be a place you feel safe, secure and retreat into. Some people get enough shit outside of their house. they shouldn't have to put up with nasty comments and bullying at home too.