
By James - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, we got our yearbooks for school. I opened to my profile to see that they misspelled my first name which is James. They wrote Lames. FML
I agree, your life sucks 164 350
You deserved it 13 331

Top comments

ambrosia21 0

The yearbook editors are supposed to triple check the names to prevent that kind of stuff. sorry you were the subject of their carelessness/incompetence.

toxxiclove 0

if you have a sucky life you could convice people you're the new exchange student. hello. my name is lames. pronounces lah-mez. oh lala.


Kindly tell my you defenition of an FML and how you found OP is gay? Stupid brain-dead moron...

they probably did it on purpose. the principle once put "crap you" instead of Matthew. It just so happened that he meant to do that to someone else. That's what everyone called me until I graduated.

That sucks man, but it's funny as hell too.

Well if they did that to me, I'd paint the whole school red.

christa953 12

I actually believe this one; it happened to a kid at my school once. and another time they accidentally switched people's photos

abbiesaprincess 0

it's ok the same thing happened to me according to the winter basketball program I'm Abbie Clark Clark is my brothers name