
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while at work, I was told by a man who had literally just gotten back from his mother's funeral to cheer up, as I was depressing him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 190
You deserved it 6 139

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Just imagine how depressing YOU must have looked to make that man feel he was happy in comparison.


OP you dummy "Yo Mama" jokes are not appropriate at this time.

farsidee 0

Maybe I'm depressed because I haven't ever seen an FML that I have laughed at : (

First sentence of #14 has it right--I call fake. That is a really old line. "She/he is so boring they could depress someone who just..." Life is full of screwed moments; lets have a few real ones (like idiots that invest in Iraqi Dinars).

canchremechanic 0

so what are you? an ugly "massuse"?

god I've been least you didn't say he was ******* rude when he could hear you...

Depression sucks but oh well. op, you will survive even if someone tells you to cheer up.... I have a lot of people tell me to be happy everyday..... I'm still alive ad happy enough.

Well, he did just lose his mother. A bit of crankiness or depression is to be expected. Of course, this ain't your FML either. It's his.

perdix 29

How does one figuratively get back from their mother's funeral? I was in a good mood, but the misuse of the word "literally" instantly plunges me into a deep, blue funk and a white rage. The net result is baby-blue ennui.

Thunderbender 2

Well as opposed to maybe he got back the day before or last week or something. If someone expirenced something as traumatic as their mother's death a day or week ago it would make sense to say it just happened. The "literally" here implies that he just got back from the funeral that day.

@28 - English in transition ha hah a hah hahhhahahahah

expen_dable 0

I agree with #35, I thought the OP meant "literally" as in he had JUST gotten back from his moms funeral.

davek 36

He might have been making a joke.

CountDuk 5