Decisions, decisions

By Anonymous - 08/07/2020 17:00

Today, my marriage is one week away. Despite all the challenges we faced during COVID, we powered through everything. Today is also the day my work decided to tell me they're letting me go. I now have to either go on my improvised honeymoon or job hunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 614
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

Definitely honeymoon. Start that shit off right. What say you fellow voters?

DukavichIsADick 3

Go on your honeymoon. Job hunt online during and/or when you come back


I'm not sure why you even have to stop and think about this. Go on the honeymoon and then look for a job. I'm sure the honeymoon isnt lasting for weeks and weeks.

bl3ur0z3 17

Your entire marriage is scheduled to take place a week from now? Well, since it's gonna be short, might as well make the most of it and have the honeymoon.

Unless you are denied unemployment, you're going to make more than you're making now.

oh come on. I think job hunting can wait during your honeymoon. I'm assuming you won't be gone for weeks on end.