
By benjo - 06/08/2013 18:07 - United States

Today, I was lifeguarding a pool party for a bunch of eight year-olds. One of them decided it'd be funny to have a contest to see who could make the most bubbles with their farts. It led to three kids shitting themselves in the pool, and me having the dubious honor of cleaning it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 052
You deserved it 4 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skittycat213 19

New rule: you shit in pool, you (or your parents depending on your age) get to help clean out pool or pay extra for cleaning services? Kinda going along the "break it-buy it" rule


Most public pools are literally a marinade of kiddie pee and old band-aids to begin with.. This just makes it 5 times worse. I'm sorry, OP, that blows.

DarkJediLove 19

Take their picture for a Wall of Shame!

Time to find a new job, preferably a sanitary one?

RpiesSPIES 27

That's a little over-the-top. One minor incident should not result in someone quitting their job. Sure it's gross, but it's no like this is an everyday occurance.

Summer jobs like lifeguarding only last a little while. And "sanitation" isn't really the main issue here. It's gross, yeah. But there's really very little chance of infection when you're fishing turds out of a pool.

Water parks have closed down rides for similar things so they can really clean the pool. If any of the kids have recently been vaccinated, there is a good chance of getting sick. Not to mention hepatitis. A McDonald's near me once spread hepatitis because an employee didn't wash his hands. Turned into a if you ate there get shots on the news thing. Yeah, getting sick is rare from it, but it can happen. Unfortunately, some jobs have the nice benefit of cleaning up after customers. My mom had to clean some of the most disgusting things out of dressing rooms. But feces does spread illness. My doc has me avoiding public pools and such since I've been put on immune suppressants. Probably over reaction, but it is not like I've ever had the strongest immune system to begin with. She falls under the rather safe then sorry camp.

#54 True. If the levels of E.coli in a pool is higher than permitted by law, it is considered a health hazard and the pool has to be closed till the cleaning/chemical treatment of the water takes the level of coliforms back to what is considered acceptable by law or public health standards.

Ah, kids!! Hope they were at least constipated so there were solid logs o'shite for you to clean up- diarrhea= drain and refill the pool!! Hope everyone's had their cholera shots 'cause your pool's now a disease-incubator!!!

Dropped the kids off at the pool so they could drop the kids off at the pool.

I would have let these bastards swim in their own shit.

Pyro_Wolf 17

What about the other people that weren't involved? They shouldn't have to swim in the kid's shit..

Sounds like you can add "fishing for logs" to your list of duties.

skyeyez9 24

Unless it was the squirty, runny kind of pewp....

On the bright side at least there is an obvious victor in the competition; the kid that didn't shit himself.