
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Rochester

Today, I was telling my friends about a date I had recently that went badly, because the guy turned out to be a moron. I said the last straw was when I used the word "decipher" and was met with a blank stare. I was then met with more blank stares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 704
You deserved it 7 069


my friends and I have battles to see who can come up with the most words that start with a certain prefix, such as Trans.

#19 i do the same thing for int. use internal combustion engine and when they catch on just add an s

Crashriot 14

Sorry OP, l think you need new friends as that is quite an easy word

JMichael 25

I'm thinking you should choose smarter guys since you seem to have actual intelligence.

askullnamedbilly 33

OP is intelligent because they know what 'decipher' means?

I am with OP. It is clear that not knowing what "decipher" means isn't the only reason the guy was a moron, but the last straw. Who wants to be with someone who doesn't read and you can't have a normal conversation with, without dumbing down your language? OP, you need smarter freinds!

41-- that is not necessarily a deal breaker. I dated a guy that was a genius when it came to science and math. He would be talking about all these theories he had, while I just politely smiled and nodded (I am smart, but I could not keep up with him). Meanwhile, I would have to define some words because he did not know the meaning. Or, the guy I am dating now is a first generation American. English was his second language. He doesn't have an accent and he speaks english fluently (you would not guess english is a second language), but there are some words that I have to define. I know he is just as intelligent as I, but I also know that him not knowing a word makes him any less intelligent. Maybe ops date has a reason.

rainbow_llamas 16

It doesn't mean OP is a snob. It means she is surrounded by people who don't know what a simple word as decipher means.

Don't ask me to be part of a diversion. I was never good at math.

jrn 14

op is probably a moron who used it in the wrong context