Creeped out

By gymgirl - 17/12/2013 23:48 - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, while at the gym, I noticed a creepy-looking guy watching me. When I got up from the equipment, I noticed that he sniffed the seat. I didn't say anything the first time. After he did it the second time, I asked him to stop. He bent down and sniffed it without breaking eye contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 371
You deserved it 3 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MxAxRxCxO 30

You should have farted on a machine and left him a nice surprise ;)

Let the people who own the gym know about this. Get that creeper banned.


ThatFancyPenn 18

Hey maybe he is a scientist and was hired to avoid for hazardous chemicals!

I would tell the gym to kick him out or refund my membership. You never know how far these creeps can go.

Jordan_OL 10

I don't think it'd be reasonable to ask the gym for a refund, even if they don't kick him out. It's not their fault the guy is creepy, so they aren't really liable for it I suppose.

perdix 29

Hold a can of mace between your butt cheeks, and clench during your workout to spray the seat. You'll have to train for months to gain the gluteal dexterity, butt trust me, it's worth the effort!

umakemesic 15

Haha! I don't know, she may end up with mace somewhere other than the seat. I have never maced myself in the ass, so not sure how comfortable that would be but i'm guessing its... not. Not everyone gets off on that amount of pain like you;)

Seeing as how painful just having OC spray laden sweat go down your shorts is...... I can't imagine the pain of a can of mace going off in your asscrack.

RedPillSucks 31

It's painful to be maced in the ******. Don't ask me how I know.

perdix 29

This is why the training is so rigorous that most people never attain mastery. The people who can't hack prehensile butt training often become Navy SEALs as a consolation:)

In reply to number 40, I'd really hope you haven't Macedonia yourself in the ass.

Smells more like Taco Bell if you ask me.

I dunno about you but I wouldn't continue to smell the bench if she smelled like Taco Bell. Not my kind of thing to like a woman's crotch that smells like a taco.

orsombre_fml 11
perdix 29

Hey, there was nothing that said he was old!!! I just joined a new gym in Texas, and when I go sniff where pretty, young girls have just sat, I do it in a classy, friendly, comfortable way. The guy in the story is probably an inexperienced, young seat-sniffer.

beaverteaser 16

was the song hungry eyes playing in the background?

Whether or not she's supposed to wipe off the seat doesn't change the fact that some creepy guy is sniffing the seats after she uses it. She can't really control his behavior, so its definitely not a YDI.